Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Life of support

                                                   Guide to be the best support

Greetings, everyone! I hereby present you this 'How to play support' guide, or rather, a compilation of many useful tips that I have come across from playing this amazing game all these years, mainly focusing on what kind of mentality/strategic thinking that a support player should keep in mind according to different phases of the game. I may cook up specific support hero guide in future so this is intended to be a 'how do you play support in general' guide.

This guide is recommended for:
Newcomers who are learning the game, experienced players who are interested to read some insight about supporting and definitely for the people who feel like supporting suits their play style more. People who mostly play carry/solo laner are highly recommended to have a quick read over, supporting is the other face of the game that many people may have never come across - you may have fun reading it and you would be surprised to find out both sides actually share a lot of similar aspects!